Call Us Now : 856-783-8833

About Quality Landscaping
Established in 1977, Quality Landscaping, Inc. is a full service company that stands by its
name. We strive to give all of our customers the best service and products possible. We promote the idea that quality is never achieved by chance, it is always the result of high intentions and sincere effort. We specialize in grounds maintenance care for commercial
and residential properties. Please take a look at the tabs to the left to find out more about
the different maintenance services we can provide you with.
We also offer a full range of residential and commercial landscape services. We can provide landscape installation designs and proposals for homeowners as well as commercial developers.
Keep browsing our website or stop by our facility and see just how much we can offer you

Lawn Care
7 Steps Include:
1. Fertilizer with crabgrass control.
2. Broadleaf Weed control.
3. Fertilizer with crabgrass control.
4. Fertilizer with insect control.
5. Fall Broadleaf Weed control.
6. Fall Fertilizer.
7. Late Fall Fertilizer.
The above treatments will provide good results to your lawn. Rainfall and manual watering is essential during dry hot days. A Lawn Care Program is not a miracle cure to achieving a perfect lawn. It is a cultural program that gives your turfgrass all the essentials it needs to develop its full potential.
Other Services Include:
1. Grub Control (Oftanol)
2. Fungicide treatments
3. Tree & Shrub Insect Spray
4. Overseeding (Broadcast)
5. Powerseeding (Machine)
6. De-Thatching & Raking
7. Soil Testing
Note: We will provide you with additional proposals for these services if either party feels that they have become necessary.
** N.J.D.E.P. - License #91321A -- Licensed & Certified Pesticide Application
Over the years Quality Landscaping has produced many beautiful and long lasting landscapes for homeowners and commercial developers. We work hard to prepare and install landscapes that will add beauty and value to your property while staying within your budget. We will work closely with you to create a landscape that will provide your family or your business with beauty and pleasure year around.
We specialize in new landscaping and upgrading existing landscaping. This may include installing new beds, a variety of plant material, sod or hydro seeding and a variety of mulch or stone. The possibilities are endless.
* For installation of new irrigation, ponds and fountains, and/or lighting
see our Irrigation & Lighting Page!

Irrigation, Lighting,
Ponds & Drainage
Design, Installation & Service

Our Irrigation Department Includes:
Full-Time, On-Call, Experienced Service Men.
We service any size and brand system.
License #214710 -- Licensed & Certified Landscape irrigation
Services include:
Spring Startup, winterizations, repairs, and new installations for residential and commercial properties. Our department can also provide estimates and/or services on outdoor lighting, ponds and fountains, and drainage work.
Lighting Services:
Landscape lighting is fast becoming one of the most popular investments home owners use to enjoy their attractive properties year round. It is both functional and aesthetic. Next to security alarms, a well planned landscape lighting system is one of the best deterrents to night-time crime. Even on the darkest winter nights, lighting can enable you to enjoy your landscape.

Complete Grounds Maintenance For Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Government Properties.
As explained on our home page, Quality Landscaping specializes in grounds maintenance. We have been providing such services to the South Jersey area and have maintained over 300 commercial and residential properties since our founding in 1977. We are made up of roughly sixty employees seasonally, all trained in grounds maintenance. Each of our accounts are regularly maintained and highly supervised.
Services Include But Not Limited To:
Spring and Fall Cleanup
Bed - Edging and Weeding
Mulch Installation
Shrub Trimming
Tree Pruning
Weekly Mowing Service
Spring Flowers
Fall Mums
Winter Kale and/or Winter Pansies

Snow & Ice Management
Quality Landscaping, Inc. has been providing emergency snow and ice removal services since the late 1970's. Over the years we have come to know the "do's" and "don'ts" of the industry. We have the skilled manpower and equipment to handle small, medium, and large commercial accounts during snow and ice events. During any event we are on-call 24/7 and ready to service all accounts. Our services include, but are not limited to, plow and front-end loader services, shoveling and snow blower services, ice melt, salt and sand/salt services. Contact our snow department for additional information, discussion, or an estimate.

Supply Center
Quality Landscaping, Inc. carries landscaping supplies for contractors and homeowners. We have a wide range of mulch, sand, stone and soil. Feel free to click on the boxes for descriptions. Our supply center is open six days a week, weather permitting, so stop by! Deliveries are also available six days a week. We are always running specials during the holidays.
Click On Category Headings for Descriptions & Pricing

Komatsu Tractors: 2 1/4yd Front End Loaders
New Holland Skid Steers
Case Trenchers/Pipe Pullers
Dump Trucks 10 yds.
Minimum Rental Time (2) Two Hours
Rates Include Equipment Operator
Please Call In Advance For Rental
Equipment Rental